Sanne Alexandra, owner of the webshop www.sannealexandrashop.com. Love rooftops, music, my friends, travel & late dinners. Currently living in NY with my boyfriend.
”You’re boyfriend needs to take you on a date tonight, you can’t go home and do nothing with that hair” Uhm. Jo, idag blev det sÃ¥. J hade match och även fast han inte spelar mÃ¥ste han vara där. Jag passade pÃ¥ att äta min favoritglass, köra Indisk hemkörning,  titta pÃ¥ bÃ¥da Sex & the city filmerna och prata i telefon i min nystylade frippa. Det kallar jag en lonely girls night! =)
// ”You’re boyfriends needs to take you on a date tonight, you can’t go home and do nothing with that hair” Haha. Today J had a game and had to be there even tho hes not playing so i watched SATC 1 and two, ate my favorite ice-cream, talked to friends on the phone and looked hotter than ever… what a girls night, with my self haha.