Uniprice in collaboration with Fashion Week Cannes!
Win a trip for you and a friend to Cannes with free entrance to several parties at the exclusive Fashion Week in Cannes.
Celebrities and fashionistas are going to Fashion Week Cannes to enjoy the amazing glamour, haute couture and prêt-à -porter fashion shows. The Cannes Film Festival is held during the same week and the party is on from dusk until dawn!
For more information and to participate, visit http://www.uniprice.com/en/promotions/cannes-fashion-week-contest/ or https://www.facebook.com/UniPrice/app_509231172457969
IN OCH TÃVLA! Ni kan alltsÃ¥ vinna en resa till Cannes med fri entré till en massa heta fester under Fashion Week i Cannes. Hur fett? Massa kändisar och modeprofiler Ã¥ker dit för att ta del av all glamour, haute couture och prêt-à -porter fashion shows. Mer info hittar ni pÃ¥ länkarna ovan. Kamma hem det här nu, ett minne för livet! =)